Stuffed Tomatoes
We have a new, healthy and super delicious recipe for you! Have you ever made stuffed tomatoes? If not, now...
We have a new, healthy and super delicious recipe for you! Have you ever made stuffed tomatoes? If not, now...
Vegetarian meatballs in turmeric sauce Ingredients for the vegetarian meatballs: 250 grams of vegetarian minced meat 2 smaller carrots 2 cloves of garlic 1 bag...
Do you have a birthday coming up? A romantic evening with your partner? Or you just want to sweeten your day? We have...
Tasty homemade fries? Nobody can resist that! With our V6 vegetable slicer, this is now an absolute breeze. A portion is...
Overnight oats are a very popular breakfast! It's easy to prepare in the evening and the next day you can...
We have an idea for you for a delicious and healthy breakfast Chocolate Oatmeal! Ingredients: 2 cups almond milk 1 cup oatmeal 2 spoons...
Try zucchini noodles instead of regular pasta. Tastes even better, looks great and is definitely healthier! With the right sauce, you'll knock...
For this recipe of Vegan beetroot carpaccio, our V5 PowerLine vegetable slicer was used, which enables precise slicing of 1.2...
If it has to be quick again and you don't have time to cook, we have the perfect recipe for...